It all just gets tedious and makes the game feel much longer then it actually is.

You have to collect power devices from different rooms, how many rooms are there? You guessed it 3. Another time you have to flip switches in order to power down a machine in order to progress, how many switches do you have to flip? 3. here are examples taken from the game, at one point you have to collect DNA from a boss, how many times do you have to get a DNA sample? 3. when your not opening some door or beating on some brainless goon, you'll be doing the old fashioned "must complete the sequence three times in a row in order to progress" shtick. One of the other things you'll be doing is button mashing your way through seemingly never ending waves of enemies that are neither challenging or fun to fight. You'll do this so much that you might actually start to really hate doors in general. It seems like every five minutes you have to open a door by either looking for the enemy who has the key, mashing the O button, or guiding a missile into the door. The game seems focused on two things, opening doors and the number 3. You get to play as two different Spider-Men and they mostly play the same outside of some unique abilities for each one. This wouldn't have been so bad had the things you were doing been fun, but their not. The main problem with the game is how repetitive it is, you'll be doing the same things throughout the entire game over and over again. Unfortunately Edge of Time captures none of what was so enjoyable with Shattered Dimensions leaving us with little more than a mediocre experience. I had high hopes for this game because it was developed by Beenox who gave us Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, one of the best Spider-Man games of all time. I had high hopes for this game because it was developed by Beenox who gave us Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, one of A huge disappointment.